Saturday 5 November 2011

Philippians Chapter 2 - "Joy in Serving" Saturday 22nd October - Saturday 12th November

Paul Speaks in this Chapter about the attitude that we should have when we are involved in serving others. He talks about how we can find joy in serving others andhow we should serve with enthusiasm and without complaint. This is an absolutely wonderful passage, with plenty of encouragement for Christians who seek to serve God by serving others. Rob Mattthews will be joining us at Interface on 12th November to discuss this further. Check it out and be encouraged!

Read Philippians 2

What are our motives for helping other people? Do we do it because we want something in return, or just to bless the other person?

What did Jesus do?

Are we sometimes afraid to do something? We get encouragement from this passage that God is always with us.

Do we always do things for others without complaining, or do we get annoyed when people ask us to do something?

Do we spend life expecting to be served by others, or are we look to serve other people?

Paul encourages us to "Shine like stars in the Universe." What other ways can we serve other people in the coming weeks?

Commentary (from life application bible)

v1 - 5: Many people - even Christians - live only to give a good impression on others or to please themselves. But "Selfish ambition or vain conceit" brings discord. Paul therefore stressed spiritual unity, asking the Philippians to love one another and to be one in spirit and purpose. When we work together, caring for the problems of others as if they were our problems, we demonstrate Christ's example of putting others first, and we experience unity. Don't be so concerned about making a good impression or meeting your own needs that you strain relationships in God's family.

v 3: Selfish ambition can ruin a church, but genuine humility can build it. Being humble involves having a true persepective about ourselves (see Romans 12:3) It does not mean that we should put ourselves down. Before God, we are sinners, saved only by God's grace, but we are saved and therefore have great worth in God's kingdom. We are to lay aside selfishness and treat others with common respect and common courtesy. Considering other's interests as more important than our own links us with Christ, who was a true example of humility.

v 4: Philippi was a cosmopolitan city. The composition of the church reflected great diversity, with people from a variety of backgrounds and walks of life. Acts 16 gives us some indication of teh diverse makeup of this church. The church included Lydia, a Jewish convert from Asia and a wealthy businesswoman, the slave girl, prababy a greek native, and the jailer serving this colony of the empire, probably a Roman. With so many different backgrounds among the members, unity must have been difficult to maintain. Although there is no evidence of division in the church, it's unity had to be safeguarded. Paul encourages us to guard against and selfishness, prejudice, or jealousy that might lead to dissention. Showing genuine interest in others is a positive step forward in maintaining unity among believers.

v 5: Jesus Christ was humble, willing to give up his rights in order to obey God and serve people. Like Christ, we should have a serant's attitude, serving out of love for God and for others, not out of guilt or fear. Remember, you can choose your attitude. You can approach life expecting to be served, or you can look for opportunities to serve others.

v5 - 11: Often people excuse selfishness, pride or evil, by claiming their rights. They think, "I can cheat in this test; after all, I deserve to pass," or, "I can spend all this money on myself - I worked hard for it." But as believers we should have a different attitude, one that enables us to lay aside our rights in order to serve others. If we say we follow Christ, we must also say we want to live as he lived. We should develop his attitude of humility as we serve, even when we are not likely to get recognition for our efforts. Are you selfishly clinging to your rights, or are you willing to serve.

v9 - 11: At the last judgement even those who are condemned will recognise Jesus' authority and right to rule. People can choose to regard Jesus as Lord now as a step of willing and loving commitment, or be forced to acknowledge him as Lord when he returns. Christ may return at any moment. Are you prepared to meet him?

v12: "Therefore" ties this verse to the previous section. "Work out your salvation", in light of the preceding exhortation to unity, may mean that the entire church was to work together to rid themselves of divisions and discord. The Philippian Christians needed to be especially careful to obey Christ, now that Paul wasn't there to continually remind them about what was right. We too must be careful about what we believe and how we live, especially when we are on our own. In the absence of cherished Christian leaders, we must focus our attention and devotion even more on Christ so that we won't be sidetracked.

v13: What do we do when we don't feel like obeying? God has not left us alone in our struggles to so his will. he wants to come alongside us and be within us to help. God helps us want to obey him and then gives us power to do what he wants. The secret to a changed life is to submit to God's control and let him work. Next time, ask God to help you want to do his will.

v14 - 16: Why are complaining and arguing so harmful? If all that people know about a church is that it's memebers constantly argue, complain, gossip, they get a false impression of Christ and the gospel. Belief in Christ should unite those who trust him. If your church is always complaining and arguing, it lacks the unifying power of Christ. Stop arguing with other Christians or complaining about people  and conditions within the church and let the world see Christ.

At Interface, God wants us to unified.

v14 - 16: Our lives shouls be characterised by moral purity, patience, and peacefulness, so that we will "shine like stars" in a dark and depraved world. A transformed life is an effective witness to the power of God's word. Are you shining brightly, or are you clouded by complaining and arguing? Shine out for God.

v17: Even if he had to die, Paul was content, knowing that he had helped the Christians live for Christ. When you're totally committed to serving Christ, sacrificing to build the faith of others brings a joyous reward.

v21: Paul observed that most belivers are too preoccupied with their own needs to spend time working for Christ. Don't let your schedule and concerns crowd out your Christian service to and love for others.

v22: Just as a skilled workman trains an apprentice, Paul was preparing Timothy to carry on his ministry in his absence. Who are you apprenticing for God's work?

v29, 30: The world honours those who are intelligent, beautiful, rich and powerful. What kind of people should the church honour? Paul indicates that we should honour those who give their lives for the sae of Christ, going where we cannot go ourselves. Our missionaries do that for us today by providing ministry where we are not able to go.

How can we at Interface move out together with the humility of Christ to serve others together without complaint or argument?

Friday 14 October 2011

Philippians Chapter 1 - "Joy in Suffering" Saturday 15th October - Saturday 22nd October

So now we have seen the context for Philippians, who the author was and what he was going through when he wrote the book, we can now start into our study of Philippians!

For the next two weeks we are going to be looking at Philippians Chapter 1 - "Joy in Suffering", then our speaker will be covering the topic "Joy in Suffering" at Interface on Saturday 22nd October. It would be great if you guys have some background for this before then and have some of your own ideas to bring to that evening! Also feel free to write some of those thoughts at the comments section at the bottom!

So - Check it out!

Read: Philippians Chapter 1

Paul, while in chains, wrote about people spreading the gospel through love. How can we see things more positively when we are suffering?

Sometimes we face oppotsition because of our faith - how can we overcome this?

It seems through this passage that Paul's suffering is so great that he is debating whether he would rather die and be with Christ than have to go on living. v24 - 26 sees him decide what his choice would be - what is his reasoning? How can your life or suffering serve as a positive witness to others?

Verse 4 is the first of many times Paul used the word joy in his letter. The Philippians were remembered with Joy and thanksgiving whenever Paul prayed. By helping Paul, they were helping Christ's cause. The Philippians were willing to be used by God for whatever he wanted them to do. When others think about you, what comes to their minds? Are you remembered with joy by them? Do your Acts of kindness uplift others?

Commentaries to assist with reading the passage: (taken from Life Application Bible)

v1 This is a personal letter to the Philippians, not intended for general circulation to all the churches. Paul wanted to thank the believers for helping him when he had a need. He also wanted to tell them why he could be full of joy despite his imprisonment and forthcoming trial. In this uplifting letter, Paul counselled the Philippians about humility and unity and warned them about potential problems.

V4, 5 The Philippians first heard about the gospel about ten years earlier when Paul and his companions visited Philippi and founded the church there.

v5: When Paul said that the Philippians were partners in the gospel, he was pointing out their valuable contribution in spreading God's message. They contributed through their practical help when Paul was in Philippi, and through their finacial support when he was in prison. As we help our ministers, missionaries, and evangelists through prayer, hospitality and financial donations, we become partners with them.

v6: the God who began a good work in us continues it throughout our lifetime and will finish it when we meet him face to face. Gods work for us began when Christ died on the cross in our place. His work in us began when we first believed. Now the Holy Spirit lives in us enabling us to be more like Christ every day. Paul is describing the process of Christian growth and maturity that began when we accepted Jesus and continues until Christ returns.

v6: Do you sometimes feel like you're not making progress in your spiritual life? When God starts a project, he completes it! As with the Philippians, God will help you grow in grace until he had completed his work in your life. When you are discouraged, remember that God won't give up on you. He promises to finish the work he began. When you feel incomplete, unfinished or distressed by your shortcomings, remember God's promise and provision. Don't let your present condition rob you of joy of knowing Christ or keep you from growing closer to him.

v7: When he said "in chains" Paul was probably referring to his imprisonment in Philippi, that we saw in the last Blog. Whenever Paul was in prison, he faithfully preached the Good News. Remember Paul's inspiring example when hindrences, small or large, slow down your work for God.

v7, 8: Have you ever longed to see a friend with whom you share fond memories? Paul had such a longing to see the Christians at Philippi. His love and affection for them was based not merely on past experiences, but also on the unity that comes when believers draw upon Christ's love. All Christians are part of God's family and thus share equally in the transforming power of his love. Do you feel a deep love for fellow Christians, friends and strangers alike? Let Christ's love motivate you to love other Christians and to express that love in your actions towards them.

v 9: Often the best way to influence someone is to pray for him or her. Paul's prayer for the Philippians was that they would be unifed in love. Their love was to result in greater knowledge of Christ and deeper insight.  Their love was not based on feelings, but on what Christ had done for them. As you grow in Christ's love, your heart and mind must grow together. Are your love and insight growing?

v10: Paul prayed that the Philippian believers would "discern what is best" - in other words, that they would have the ability to differentiate between right and wrong, good and bad.

v10: the "day of Christ" refers to the time when God will judge the world through Jesus Christ. We should live each day as though he could return at any moment.

v11: The "fruit of righteousness" includes all of the character traits flowing from a right relationship with God. There is no other way for us to gain this fruit of righteousness than through Christ.

v12 - 14: Being imprisoned would cause many people to become bitter or give up, but Paul saw it as one more opportunity to spread the Good News of Christ. Paul realised that his current circumstances weren't as important as what he did with them. Turning a bad situation into a good one, he reached out to many people. How we act in situations like this will reflect what we believe. Like Paul, look for ways to demonstrate your faith even in bad situations. This will help your faith grow stronger.

V14: When we speak fearlessly for Christ, or live faithfully for him during difficult situations, we encourage others to do the same. Be an encouragement by the way that you live.

1:15 - 18: Paul had an amazingly selfless attitude. He knew that some were preaching to build their own reputations, taking advantage of Paul's imrisonment to try and make a name for themselves. Despite this Paul rejoiced that the gospel was being preached. Some Christians serve for the wrong reasons. Paul wouldn't condone, nor does God excuse their motives, but we should be glad if God uses their message.

v19 - 21: this was not Paul's final imprisonment in Rome, but he didnt know that. Awaiting trial, he knew that he would either be released or executed. However, he trusted Christ to work it out for his delieverance. Paul's prayer was that when he stood trial that he would speak courageously for Christ and not be timid or ashamed. Whether he lived or died, he wanted to exalt Christ.

v20, 21; To those who don't believe God, life on earth is all there is and so it is natural for them to strive for this world's values. For Paul, however, to live meant to develop eternal values and to tell others about Christ, who alone could help them see life from an eternal persepective. Paul's whole purpose in life was to speak boldly for for Christ and to become more like him. Thus Paul could confidently say that dying would be better than living because in death he would be removed from worldy troubles and he could see Christ face to face.

v24: Paul had a purpose for living when he served the Philippians and others. We also need a purpose for living that goes beyond providing for our own physical needs. Whom can you serve or help? What is your purpose for living?

v 27: Paul encourages the believers to be unifed, as they "stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith." How sad that much time and effort is lost in some churches by fighting against one another instead of uniting against the real opposition. It takes a courageous church to resist in - fighting and maintain the common purpose of serving Christ.

v29: Paul considered it a priveledge to suffer for Christ. We do not consider suffering to be a priveledge. Yet, when we suffer we should faithfully represent Christ in order to affect us and others for the good.

Suffering has these additional benefits:

1) it takes our eyes of earthly comforts
2) it weeds out superficial believers
3) it strengthens the faith of those that endure
4) it serves as an example for those who may follow us.

v 30: Throughout his life Paul suffered for spreading the gospel. Like the Phi;lippians, we are in conflict with anyone who would discredit teh saving message of Christ. All true believers are in this fight together, uniting against the same enemy for a common cause.

Friday 7 October 2011

Paul's Missionary Journey to Philippi. Saturday 8th October - Saturday 15th October

Welcome to the second installment of the Interface Blog!

So know we know who Paul is...what did he do?

Once Paul was converted he went on a series of Missionary journeys, challenging people about their faith and strengthening churches. The letters that he wrote later on in the Bible were then addressed to these churches to support and enourage them (and sometimes tell them off for things they weren't doing right!) During his Second Missionary journey, Paul visited Philippi and he later wrote a letter to the church there, which we now know as the book called Philippians in the Bible. It is Philippians that we will be looking at in more detail over the next few months, but to get the proper context of the book, I thought we should look at what happened whilst Paul was in Philippi.

Paul's Second Missionary Journey

Paul travels to Macedonia - Philippi was a main transportation artery connecting the eastern provinces with Italy.

Read Acts 16 v 6 - 40

Paul and Silas faced a lot of major hurdles on their Missionary journey and also saw a lot of remarkable things happening because of their faith. How would you respond if you found yourself in their shoes?

I thought I could leave you with some challenges from the passage, please give your thoughts and response in the comments box below:

  • Paul and Silas were called to travel certain places. What is God calling you to do for Him? (either at home or elsewhere)
  • Are we quick to respond when we feel God asking us to do something for Him?
  • How far would you be willing to go for God? Paul and Silas found themselves beaten and bound in chains on a prison floor.
  • Do we still praise God in the bad times? Paul and Silas were at their lowest point, but through praising God through these times, not only were they brought through it, but also saw someone converted through their stuggles.
  • Do you trust that God will be with you no matter what you go through?
  • In the stories in this passage the families of the new believers soon followed after the first person in their family believed. What are you doing to help your family come to Jesus?
Commentaries (from Life Application Bible)

Verse by verse thoughts on what the passage is telling us:

Acts 16 v 1 : Timothy is the first second generation Christian mentioned in the New testament. His mother, Eunice, and grandmother, Lois (2 Timothy 1:5), had become believers and had faithfully influenced him for the Lord. Although Timothy's father was apparently not a Christian, the faithfulness of Timothy's mother and grandmother prevailed. Never underestimate the far - reaching consequences of raising one small child to love the Lord.

Acts 16 v 2, 3 : Timothy and his mother, Eunice, were from Lystra. Eunice had probably heard Paul's preaching when he was there during his first missionary journey (14: 6 - 18). Timothy was the Son of a Jewish mother and a greek father - to the Jews, a half breed like a Samaritan. So Paul asked Timothy to be circumsised to remove some of the stigma he may have had with Jewish believers. Timothy was not required to be circumsised (the Jerusalem council had decided that - chapter 15), but he voluntarily did this to overcome and barriers to his witness in Christ. Sometimes we need to go beyond the minimum requirements in order to help our audience receive our testimony.

Acts 16 v 7 - 9 : When Paul decided to go on his missionary journey, he had the door closed twice by the Holy Spirit, so Paul must have been wondering where to go. Then in a vision, Paul was given a definite direction and he and his companions obediently travelled into Macedonia. The Holy Spirit guides us to the right places, but he also guides us away from the wrong places. As we seek God's will, it is important to know what God wants us to do and where he wants us to go.

Acts 16 v 12 : Philippi was the key city in the region of Macedonia (northern greece today). Paul founded a church during his visit. Later Paul wrote a letter to he church. The book of Philippians, probably from a prison in Rome. The letter was personal and tender, showing Paul's deep love for and friendship with the believers there. In it he thanked them for a gift they had sent, alerted them to a coming visit by Timothy and Epaphroditus, urged the church to clear up any disunity, and encouraged the believers not to give in to persecution.

Acts 16 v 13 : Inscribed on the arches outside the city of Philippi was a prohibition against bringing an unrecognised religion into the city; therefore, this prayer meeting was held outside the city, beside the river.

Acts 16 v 13; 14 : After following the Holy Spirit's leading into Macedonia, Paul made his first evangelistic contact with a small group of women. Paul never allowed gender or cultural boundaries to keep him from preaching the gospel. He preached to these women, and Lydia, an influential merchant, believed. This opened the way for ministry in that region. God often worked in and through women in the early church.

Acts 16 v 14: Lydia was a dealer in purple cloth, so she was probably wealthy. Purple cloth was valuable and expensive. It was often worn as a sign of nobility or royalty.

Acts 16 v 14ff: Luke highlights the stories of three individuals who became believers through Paul's ministry in Philippi. Lydia; the influential businesswoman (16:14), the demon possessed slave girl (16; 16 - 18) and the jailer (16:27 - 30). The gospel was affecting all strata of society, just as it does today.

Acts 16 v 15 : Why was Lydia's household baptised after Lydia responded in faith to the gospel? Baptism was a public sign  of identification with Christ and the Christian community. Although not all members of her household may have chosen to follow Christ (we don't  know), it was now a Christian home.

Acts 16 v 16 :  This girl's fortune telling ability came from evil spirits. Fortune telling was common practice in Greek and Roman culture. There were many superstitious methods by which people thought they could fortell future events. This young slave girl had an evil spirit, and she made her master rich by interpreting signs and telling people their fortunes. The master was exploiting her unfortunate condition for personal gain.

Acts 16 v 17, 18 : What the slave girl said was true, although the source of her knowledge was a demon. Why did a demon announce the truth about Paul, and why did this annoy Paul? If Paul accepted the demon's words, he would appear to be linking the gospel with demon related activities. This would damage his message about Christ. Truth and evil do not mix.

Acts 16 v 22 - 25 : Paul and Silas were stripped, beaten and placed in stocks in the inner cell. Despite this dismal situation, they praised God, praying and singing as the other prisoners listened. No matter what our circumstances, we should praise God. Others may come to Christ because of our example.

Acts 16 v 24 : Stocks were made of two boards joined with iron clamps, leaving holes just big enough for the ankles. The prisoner's legs were placed across the lower board, and then the upper board was closed over them. Sometimes both wrists and ankles were placed in stocks. Paul and Silas, who committed no crime and who were peaceful men, were put in stocks designed for holding the most dangerous prisoners in absolute security.

Acts 16 v 27 : The jailer drew his sword to kill himself because jailers were responsible for their prisoners and would be held accountable for their escape.

Acts 16 v 30, 31 : Paul and Silas' reputation in Philippi was well known. When the jailer realised his own true condition and need, he risked everything to find the answer. Your life can be filled with joy, just as the jailer's was. (16:34)

Acts 16 v 31 - 34 : Paul and Silas took the family unit seriously. So the offer of salvation was made to the jailer's entire hosuehold - family and servants. Yet it was not the jailer's faith that saved them; they all needed to come to Jesus in faith and believe in Him the same was the jailer had. Yet his entire family did believe and all were saved. Pray that God will use you to introduce Jesus to your family and that all will come to believe in him.

Acts 16 v 37 : Paul refused to take his freedom and run. He wanted to teach the rulers in Philippi a lesson and to protect the other believers from the treatment that he and Silas received. The word would spread that Paul and Silas had been found innocent and freed by the leaders, expressing the truth that believers should not be persecuted - especially if they were Roman citizens.

Acts 16 v 38 : Roman citizenship carried with it certain priviledges. These Philippian authorities were alarmed because it was illegal to whip a Roman citizen. In addition, every citizen had the right to a fair trial - which Paul and Silas had not been given.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Apostles Commission and Saul's Conversion. Saturday 24th September - Saturday 8th October

The main focus of the first term's study is going to be Philippians, however before we do that, we need to understand who it was written by and why it was written.

Whilst Jesus was on Earth, he had people that followed Him who were called His disciples. After his death and resurrection, He ascended into heaven and at that time, gave His disciples a Commission to spread the good news about Him throughout the world. From this point, believers in Jesus were known as "Apostles," which were essentially the first "Christians."

Check out Matthew 28 v 16 - 20 and Mark 16 v 15 - 20 to read about this Commission.

The person who is known to be the greatest of the Apostles was called Paul and he wrote letters like Philippians to various churches, teaching them how to be good followers of Christ, living the way God wants them to. Churhes today still use these letters as a source of guidance and we can also use them at Interface to understand how we should interact with each other and build our lives strong in Christ.

But who was Paul? Were did he come from? When did he write all these letters? The first two studies intend to look at these questions, so that when we look at Philippians, we can understand why it was written the way it was.

Read Acts 9 v 1 - 31

Many Christians fled Jerusalem when persecuation began after Stephen's death, seeking refuge in other countries. Saul tracked them down, even travelling 150 miles to Damascus in Syria to bring Christians back in chains to Jeruslaem. But as he neared the ancient city, he discovered that God had other plans for him.

Paul was originally called Saul, but after his conversion he adpoted the name Paul.

Read Acts 13 v 9


Outline of the passage:

Verse by verse thoughts on what the passage is telling us:

(taken from Life Application Bible NIV)

v2 Saul (later called Paul) was so zealous for his Jewish beliefs that he began a persecuation campaign against anyone who believed in Christ. Why would the Jews in Jeruslaem was to persecute Christians as far away as Damascus? There are several possibilities: (1) to seize the Christians who had fled. (2) to prevent the spread ofChristianity to other major cities. (3) to keep the Christians from causing any trouble with Rome, (4) to advance Saul's career and build his reputation as a true Pharisee, zealous for the law. (5) to unify the factions of Judaism by giving them a common enemy.

v2 -Font size 5 As Saul travelled to Damascus, pursuing Christians, he was confronted by the risen Christ and brought face to face with the truth of the gospel. Sometimes God breaks into a life in a spectacular manner, and sometimes conversion is a quiet experience. Beware of people who insist that you must have a particular type of conversion experience. The right way to come to faith in Jesus is whatever way God brings you.

v3 - 5 Paul refers to this experience as the start of his new life in Christ (1Corinthians 9:1, 15:8, Galatians 1:15, 16). At the centre of this wonderful experience was Jesus Christ. Paul did not see a vision, he saw the risen Christ Himself (9:17). Paul acknowledged Jesus as Lord, confessed his own sin, surrendered his life to Christ, and resolved to obey him. True conversion comes from a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and leads to a new life in relationship with him.

v5 Saul thought he was pursuing heretics, but he was persecuting Jesus Himself. Anyone who persecutes believers today is also guilty of persecuting Jesus (see Matthew 25:40, 45), because believers are the body of Christ on earth.

v13, 14 "Not him, Lord; that's impossible. He could never become a Christian!" In essence, that's what Ananias said when God told him of Saul's conversion. After all, Saul had persued believers to the death. Despite these understandable feelings, Anaias obeyed God and ministered to Saul. We must not limit God - he can do anything. We must obey and follow God's leading, even when he leads us to different people and places.

v15, 16 Faith in Christ brings great blessings but often great suffering too. Paul would suffer for his faith (see 2 Corithians 11:23 - 27) God calls us to commitment, not to comfort. He promises to be with us through suffering and hardship, not to spare us from them.

v17 Ananais found Saul, as he had been instructed, and greeted him as "Brother Saul". Ananais feared this meeting, because Saul had come to Damascus to capture the believers and take them as prisoners to Jerulsalem (9:2). But in obedience to the Holy Spirit, Ananias greeted Saul lovingly. It is not always easy to show love to others, especially when we are afraid of them or doubt their motives. Nevertheless, we must follow Jesus' command (John 13:34) and Ananais's example, showing love and acceptance to other believers.

v17, 18 Although there is no mention of a special filling of the Holy Spirit for Saul, his changed life and subsequent accamplishments bear strong witness to the Holy Spirit's presence and power in his life. Evidently, the Holy Spirit filled Saul when he received his sight and was baptised.

v20 Immediately after receiving his sight and spending some time with the believers in Damascus, Saul went to the synagogue to tell the Jews about Jesus Christ. Some Christians counsel new believers to wait until they are thoroughly grounded in their faith before attempting to share the gospel. Saul took time alone to learn about Jesus, before beginning his worldwide ministry, but he did not wait to witness. Although we should not rush into a ministry unprepared, we do not need to wait before telling others what has happened to us.

v21, 22 Saul's arguments were powerful because he was a brilliant scholar. But what was more convincing was his changed life. People knew what he was taught was real because they could see the evidence in the way he lived. It is important to know what the bible teaches us and how to defend the faith, but your words should be backed up with a changed life.

v22 - 26 At least three years elapsed between these verses. After time alone, Saul returned to Damascus and then went to Jerusalem.

v26, 27 It is difficult to change your reputation and Saul had a terrible reputation with the Christians. But Barnabas, a Jewish convert, became the bridge between Saul and the apostles. New Christians (especially those with tarnished reputations) need sponsors, people who will come alongside, encourage, teach and introduce them to other believers. Find ways that you can become a Barnabas to new believers.

v29, 30 In these short sentences we can see two characteristics of Paul, even as a new believer in Christ. He was bold, and he stirred up controversy. These would characterise Paul's ministry for the rest of his life.

Deeper discussion of the passage:

What some of the words mean:

Heretic - a person that maintains beliefs contrary to the teachings of the church.

Persecuted - to oppress or harass with ill treatment, because of race, religion, gender or beliefs.

Scholar - a learned person.

Thursday 21 July 2011


Hello fellow Interfacers!

Welcome to the Interface Bible Study Blog! Every two weeks I will update the site with a new study for you all. In the first term we will be hoping to look at Philippians. The idea is that you will either get together with your study partners, or individually read the passage that is posted and then using the study information that I will provide, have discussions with each other and post your ideas as comments on this blog. The intention of this is to get everyones interpretation of various passages and hopefully together we will understand a little more about what God wants for our lives by doing so. It is important to remember that any posts made by people on this site are their own opinions and that we should respect what other people say. This is intended to be used as a discussion base and the truth in what is written should always be based on Bible references and prayer. I hope everyone enjoys this and learns from it. I am certainly looking forward to what we will discover through it!
